Postdoctoral Research Fellow (Sept. 2019)


Postdoctoral Scholar in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Stanford University.

Postdoc Advisor: Dr. Meagan Mauter, Associate Professor

Via Teaching Scholar (Spring Semester, 2019)

CEE3104: Introduction to Environmental Engineering (3 credits)

Independent instructor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Virginia Tech for a junior-level course “Introduction to Environmental Engineering”.

->Course Description: 
CEE3104 is intended to examine key concepts in water pollution, air pollution, hazardous wastes, environmental legislation, and global atmospheric change. This broad survey will aid your understanding of the interesting and complex environmental topics that are regularly “in the news”. The course content will equip students with fundamental principles and mechanisms on the decontamination of organic and inorganic pollutants. Current applications of conventional or emerging technologies on environmental quality evaluation, monitoring, and remediation are covered. The course is valuable as a prerequisite to more advanced courses in environmental engineering, as a technical education for the general citizen and interested students outside of engineering, and as an introduction to environmental constraints that are increasingly important to other engineering disciplines.
->Course Objectives:
(1)Recognize major regulation used to protect air and water quality;
(2) Use mass balance equation to solve fate and transportation of contaminants in natural and engineered environment;
(3) Apply conventional models (batch, continuously mixing flow reactor, and plug flow reactor) to solve environmental problems;
(4) Describe major pollutants in water body and units operation in drinking water treatment plant;
(5) Recommend proper strategies to produce high quality effluents from wastewater treatment plant;
(6) Recognize the impact of human activity on air quality and developing strategies to improve indoor, regional, and global air quality;
(7) Describe various kinds of solids waste, collection and recycling policy and economy analysis on solid waste management.

Interdisciplinary Graduate Education Program (IGEP) Fellow

  1. Water INTERface : An Interdisciplinary Graduate Education Program United by the Central Focus of “Water for Health.” 
    ->Interdisciplinary Water and Health Sciences Graduate Certificate

    ->Clean water is a common topic discussed in many classrooms and research laboratories around this campus. Yet, the complexity of societal issues related to water shortages, hygiene, and quality, which influence water consumption and its role in human health, highlights the importance of increased interdisciplinary dialogue and problem-solving capabilities. The certificate reflects the acquisition of this interdisciplinary knowledge as related to “water and health.”


Academic Outreach

  1. NSF Research Experience for Teachers (Water ECubeG): Energy Recovery from Wastewater via Microbial Fuel Cell 3D Printed Platform 
    ->Program Director: Dr. Vinod K. Lohani
    ->Mentee: Ms. Maria Sherman (AP Chemistry Teacher), Hidden Valley High School
    ->The specific objectives of this RET project are to:
    (1) Create a viable MFC using 3D printing technology;
    (2) Measure maximum voltage output;
    (3) Quantify current and Coulombic efficiency.

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  2. NSF Research Experience for Teachers (Water ECubeG): Enhancing Wastewater Reuse by Using Osmotic Membrane Photobioreactor (OMPBR)
    ->Program Director: Dr. Vinod K. Lohani
    ->Mentee: Ms. Carla Corvin (Science Teacher), Christiansburg High School
    ->The specific objectives of this RET project are to:
    (1) maximize water recovery performance in OMPBR;
    (2) mitigate nutrient buildup in the feed solution via algae assimilation;
    (3) develop an effective way to control biofouling;
    (4) quantify energy consumption and monitor algae growth.


Graduate Teaching Assistant

  1. CEE 4174: Solid & Hazardous Waste Management 
    ->Instructor: Dr. Zhiwu (Drew) Wang
    ->Responsibility: Grading homework, advising students on questions

Graduate Research Assistant

  1. NSF #1358145: GOALI: Advancing Membrane Bioelectrochemical Reactors For Domestic Wastewater Treatment >
    ->Principle Investigator: Dr. Zhen (Jason) He
    ->The specific objectives of this GOALI project are:
    (1) to understand the interaction between fouling-control methods and energy production/consumption in the MBER system;
    (2) to investigate nitrogen removal in the two MBERs with different membrane installations;

    (3) to functionally scale up the MBERs system to a transitional stage.

Undergraduate Research Assistant

  1. Characterization and Optimization of Three Aerobic Strains of Phosphorus Accumulating Organisms (PAOs)
    ->Principle Investigator: Dr. Jinren Ni
    ->The specific objectives of this project are:
    (1) to screen out three strains of PAOs;
    (2) to investigate multiple growth factors, such as pH, temperature, and initial substrate concentration;
    (3) to optimize the phosphorus removal performance.

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